
A Tech Professional With Occasional Sanity

This article is a concise summary on RSS, and why it is a great way to syndicate content. It also hits the nail on the head for why it's being “killed” (marked as dead) by the content providers most are familiar with. (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) In short, with RSS, everything is chronological from when it was published, no algorithims deciding what you should read. Generally, when a site I have followed has removed RSS, I don't intentionally stop reading it (aka: I'm not boycotting it), it mostly just falls off my radar, as there are very few sites I directly visit on a regular basis.

I used RSS via Google Reader heavily when it was popular, that being pre or early Facebook days. When it was shutdown, I moved onto Feedly, before finally rolling my own Self-Hosted MiniFlux RSS reader instance. Similar to Ibrahim, my site built with Hugo has RSS available and encouraged.

Article: With RSS, You are in Control

#RSS #Feed #Reading #MiniFlux

Among the #self-hosted projects that I run just for my own usage, I have a VPS server running Arch Linux. (Yes, I'm running an Arch server, instead of Ubuntu/Debian)

That little VPS runs a few different services: – Minecraft server for a group of friends, which is the heavy memory user – Write Freely instances for a few subjects – Subsonic Music streaming server – Resilio Sync encrypted storage target – MiniFlux RSS Server/Reader


Measuring Time Itself Is ... Flawed

My writing here is mostly focused on technology and gaming. Being a general geek into all sorts of subjects and thought, sometimes an idea just sticks in your head and needs to be written.

I don't know the genesis of the idea forming in my head, probably watching sci-fi shows too late, but my mind starting musing on the concept of time. Specifically, how we measure it, account for it, and place meaning on it despite a limited view of it.

The idea in my head when I'm stating limited view of time is focused on the fact that every method we use to measure time is relative. It's relative to the rotation of the earth, relative to our orbit around our sun. All the significance we place on it's passage is not measured the same without this relative constant of earth.

An example to elaborate this can focus on something as core to most of us as our age. I am nearing my thirty fifth birthday, but that is still an arbitrary number based on when I was born followed by thirty five rotations of the earth around our sun. What if as humanity expands I was born and raised on Mars? Following the same relative basis I would be only half way through my eighteenth year of existence! So does my age as a number really mean anything?

One could attempt to make the argument that humanity as we know it originates from earth, and as such, any expansion we would logically still keep time based on our home world. But would we? Carry on the Mars thought. What if we're in a situation like The Expanse and Earth and Mars do not really get along, and have fought wars in the past to form very different cultures. Why would anyone born on Mars measure time as it occurs on Earth that they've never been too and maybe even have conflicts with?

The concept and thoughts are still developing and expanding even as I write, and I expect will continue to do so.

The argument holds for all measurements of time that we use. The length of a day is based on the earths rotation, and in near expansion, Mars is similar, other planets a day may be longer or shorter. The division of a day into smaller and smaller units from hours to minutes is an arbitrary and universally agreed to standard simply invented by powerful governments or religions through history.

In summary, at least for now, all of time is measured only be relative means. I'm certain quantum science or other think tank machines have and continue to dissect these concepts in significant detail beyond my comprehension. That however does not preclude my own exploration on the subject. Maybe time really is just wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff…

#Time #Space #Philosphy #Musings #Science

Elementary OS Logo

When I first really transitioned into the Linux world from Windows, I started with Ubuntu. That is a very common introductory point for many, or was, and from there I was an aggressive distro-hopper. I shifted through the Kubuntu's and Xubuntu's of the day, into ArchLabs on one laptop. At some point about two years ago took a stop at elementary OS in it's 0.4 version (just one version before 5, they dropped the decimals).


Why couldn't I just be fine with Nano and Sublime Text? I guess I can't help but be curious!

VIM Logo

Up until a few days ago, my previous experience with VIM was limited. I've been using Linux heavily for years now, and it was just an annoyance. In the past my only exposure to VIM was AUR install scripts or source builds that forced me to check build files via VIM. What that really meant was it was that annoying text program, that I had no clue how to quit when it suddenly was on my screen! :w to save, and :q to quit, but not if your in insert mode...what?


I have continued to play Elder Scrolls: Blades, mainly on my iPhone for the past month in bursts. Overall, it is still holding up, although obviously it is not remotely like a full Elder Scrolls PC game.

I found I had very little trouble through the single digits and into the teen levels. The occasional level had some minor grind spots for difficulty, but nothing too bad. The early 20's levels however, started off pretty rough. Granted, this was in part because around level 19, I chose to re-spec skills towards light weapons and magic. Learning curve with magic converting to it later in the game was a bit harder, so more enemies beat me around.

The real sweet spot from my current play came around level 23-24, when most of this gear combo below came together.


As many will have seen, the originally announced last year mobile Elder Scrolls game has finally landed! Granted, they’ve labelled it as Early Access and are slowly rolling out invites to iOS and Android Users. That being said, I was invited a little over forty-eight hours ago.

In Brief

It’s really good. It looks absolutely gorgeous on my iPhone 8, and only slightly less so on my older iPad Air 2. Character design is more flexible than most mobile games, and starting out, it does actually have a story. Unfortunately, it is Free to Play model, but it feels fine. It’s definitely worth a try for Elder Scrolls on the go!


2016 Cube i7 Book

The Cube i7 Book is the late 2016 successor to the Cube i7 Stylus, a previously well built tablet from Cube with single position keyboard dock. The new Cube i7 Book now has a full hinged removable keyboard that goes from closed to full yoga style tent mode, and supports flipping 180 degrees as well to keep the keyboard with you in tablet mode. The i7 Book comes with the 6th Gen Skylake Core M3-6Y30 processor and the standard for late 4GB of RAM and 64GB of M2 SSD storage. To help compensate the power needed by the Core M3 processor the battery is a 9000 mAh capacity, which should grant 5-6 hours of average usage. Finally, while the tablet ships with a rather flimsy DC wall charger, it does include a USB-C port for both video, data and charging capacity. The only caveat to the charging via USB-C being finding the “right” wall plug (a quick google search) as loads of plugs only offer 2-2.4v, and it appears the minimum is a 3.0v adapter.

Specs in Review:

  • Processor: Core M3-6Y30 – 0.9 GHz Dual Core
  • Ram: 4GB
  • Storage: 64GB
  • External Memory: Up to 128 GB Micro-SD
  • Network: WiFi a/b/g/n
  • Bluetooth: 4.0
  • Screen: 10.6′′ – 1920 x 1080p – 10 Point IPS
  • Keyboard: Magnetic Dock Connector, Full 360 Degree options
  • Battery Capacity: 9000 mAh (via two 4500 mAh cells)
  • Weight: 0.72 kg

First Impressions:

Following unboxing the tablet and producing the associated video, here is what I think so far...

  • Core M3 processor is snappy, especially given the majority of sub-$600 tablets are running lower Atom processors, although I’ll need to compare this against the Chuwi Hi13 that I’m expecting to ship soon with the newer N3450 processor.
  • The 1080p screen is crisp and bright with excellent brightness, most of my usage so far is at 25%, which should be great for battery life.
  • Overall build quality is excellent, the tablet and keyboard are both very solid feeling with no flex or bounce and good keyboard key travel.
  • Very strong hinge for the keyboard dock, can’t open with one hand, but also holds any position needed.
  • The extra regular USB 3.0 ports on the keyboard dock add a lot of flexibility.
  • Good thermals in daily usage, but in the heavy usage Minecraft test in my video the top-left back of the tablet was very hot.
    • A quick google search shows a few different mild to aggressive thermal mods for the heat issue, if your comfortable cracking open this tablet.

So far, I’m more impressed with this tablet than I expected, as it’s one of my first forays into the Chinese and lower priced tablet market. It’s solid, runs well, and feels easy to carry around. Given it has the full keyboard dock, it’s heavier than your average iPad or Android Tablet, but it’s a full Windows 10 system with loads of flexible use options. I’ll run around with this tablet for a week or so before composing a full review!

Update from March 2023 – This cheap laptop has turned out to be amazingly well built. After I shifted to Linux, away from Windows, this system continued to be a test bed and daily driver for various Linux distro’s, travelled with me to the arctic and everywhere else. While my main system now is my iPad Pro, I still have this machine around with Fedora Linux on it for when I need, and it still performs amazing thanks to it having that M3 processor vs. The N3000 and N4000 celerons that were popular at this time for small cheap systems.

2016 Cube i7 Book

#Review #Cube #i7Book #Laptop

These last few months it’s been fun to watch Microsoft come back around to oddly “feel” like an underdog in the industry. I realize they are not an underdog… they have the market share because Windows has just been “needed” for so long. That was even addressed in this quote from Satya Nadella earlier this year:

“We want to move from people needing Windows, to choosing Windows, to loving Windows,” he said. “That is our goal.”

As Microsoft approaches the July 29th official launch of Windows 10 a lot rests on it’s success, and with my own experience this year with the Insiders program and builds I believe they have a solid winner. But more than just being a new version of the same old Microsoft, I’ve enjoyed that under Satya the general image has shifted to be a little more ‘fun’, with the company supporting and taking advantage of what started as mostly an inside meme among core engineers. For a product as previously “stale” feeling as Windows to back and promote a ninja cat riding a fire breathing unicorn as a symbol for there return to “being cool”…is…well…awesome! Today they posted to the windows insider blog a whole host of artwork for this meme to promote Windows 10:

Take a look again, it really is just awesome

and confusing all at once…but it certainly fits my personality and the quirks I intend to bring with Techzerker. To top it all off, this isn’t just a matter of sharing some artwork to a limited group of testers or even public “Windows Insiders”…it’s been added to Skype as an animated GIF!

Just type (windows10) in Skype for this awesome emote…

Thanks Microsoft!

I never thought a few years back I would ever consider you ‘cool’ or on to something big. I really have become a big fan of my Nokia 1020 with Windows Phone 8.1 and of where Windows 10 has been developing with the insider program. I’m not a fanboy, I see where the shortfalls exist and the struggle Microsoft has ahead of it…but don’t discount the ‘new’ Windows without giving it an honest trial!


Note in 2024: As I moved from Wordpress, to WriteFreely, to Hugo and here to, I often only moved some posts, as others were dated or now in-accurate, but I’ve still pulled some along to provide history or evolution of my thoughts.


#Windows #Microsoft #Archive

Keeping this short and sweet, as I’ve starting planning and converting a few disparate sites and page into an actual brand under Techzerker, I knew my own artistic abilities would not suffice! That being said, big or small I would like to build Techzerker correctly and legally, which means I couldn’t just roam google images for cool artwork to make banners, backgrounds, etc.

After a little research and checking a few competitors, I found the two pictures below on and paid their basic rate for the pair of images in incredibly high resolution. From that point I made my light modifications with text using GIMP open source image editor and it was ready to launch! I love that services like this exist to make it easy to find good quality images without any legal concerns.

Obviously I’ve uploaded my edited images in a “regular” resolution, as the last thing I want to do with this post is provide someone less honest the high resolution originals to steal! So here they are:


Note in 2024: As I moved from Wordpress, to WriteFreely, to Hugo and here to, I often only moved some posts, as others were dated or now in-accurate, but I’ve still pulled some along to provide history or evolution of my thoughts.


#Archive #Shutterstock #Artwork #Logo #Brand

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